Mother’s Day 2013 – A Tribute to my Mother

by SOR Mission on May 12, 2013

The Day is Nearly past but the memories of my mother Ruth  live on in my heart and soul motivating me to live my life in such a way as to honour God and the poor around me who God has called me to love and serve.  To this end I honour her memory and her encouragement to press on to the high calling of an Awesome God who calls us to love Him and our neighbors as ourselves.  That makes Christianity quite simple I think, as we have a tendency to make it so complicated at times by all the laws and rules we think God wants us to so carefully follow.

My mother was one who prayed for me daily and because of her prayers that God answered, I was called to serve God’s special people, the poor of this world  who have no voice and so little opportunity but are so rich in faith. The Psalmist says it clearly  in Psalms 82:3-4:

3. Be fair to the poor
    and to orphans.
    Defend the helpless
    and everyone in need.
4 Rescue the weak and homeless
    from the powerful hands
    of heartless people. CEV

Lastly as a gentle warning to all of us who sometimes want to avoid the poor and the issues surrounding poverty  Proverbs 21:13 tells us that:

If you won’t help the poor,
don’t expect to be heard
    when you cry out for help. CEV

I love you mom and we’ll see you in heaven when the day comes for us to meet again.  Thank you Lord for such a wonderful mother.  Watch over my beloved mother Ruth LORD.

Humbly Submitted,



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