avocado seeds stop darkening of guacamole

Is safe affordable housing a basic human right

April 22, 2016

To those of us living in the northern hemisphere with access to credit, this might come across as quite socialistic Is this not a capitalistic idea worth pursuing?  However to those who live in Central America in the poorest countries of this area, housing becomes a large concern. To us at SOR Mission, we believe […]

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~What can we learn from 5 de Mayo? ~ Other than eating some delicious Mexican food today?

May 5, 2015

On May 5th 1862 the Mexican Army attacked an advancing French force in a town called Puebla, Mexico and even though they were greatly outnumbered and were taking on a well trained French Army of superior strength they were still able to win the battle. The year before, France, England and Spain had formed a […]

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