let’s make a difference with SOR Mission

Did you realize?

August 31, 2019

Did you realize that a purchase of one of these delicious drinks on a every other day basis for a time could take a bit of change out of your pocket. Doing a voluntary fast for a needy family over a month period could help you donate $25 to SOR Mission that would help us […]

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Cyber Monday: Do the Tithe thing while doing your Cyber Fling

November 25, 2018

Tomorrow, Monday, November 26, 2018 in the USA and in many other countries around the world it’s the day to fling aside all restraint to buy items that one might think that they need for themselves and others  in order to save an incredible amount of money buying online. Just a thought for those of […]

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Let your light shine before your friends

May 20, 2018

In reading the Scriptures I see where we’re called to humbly do our acts of helping others without fanfare and announcements about our acts of charity but at the same time we’re called to let our light shine to those around us like our friends and work associates so that they may see our good […]

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Let’s Clean up our Lives

June 16, 2017

Last week we were able to distribute 25 baskets to most of our beneficiaries to use as a means to reach out to a family in need with a basket of cleaning supplies.  We labeled it “Let’s clean up our lives” and inside the plastic bucket we included a New Testament of the Bible for […]

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