sor mission helps the poor

Letting our light shine before others so they might see Jesus in us.

September 17, 2017

SOR Mission continues to be a blessing to others needing a hand up in life.  SOR Mission statement of purpose puts it so clearly,  “Seeds of Righteousness Mission exists to help enable Love and Justice  to meet under the Banner of Service to help connect human need with God’s Resources”. Recently SOR Mission hosted our […]

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He will deliver the needy who cry out

January 28, 2017

What a joy we have to be able to reach out, through those of you who support this mission, to help those in need through Bible studies to show them the way of peace, home construction for those unable to purchase a home of their own and/or others who qualify for a micro enterprise loan […]

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We’re living in a crazy world. What can we do?

July 8, 2016

There has been so much going on in the entire world lately that it causes us to wonder where love has gone. We see hate all around and people not wanting anyone to be different than they. Is this Gods design? I believe that it’s not God’s plan and we at SOR Mission work daily […]

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October 11, 2014

Planting Seeds of Righteousness one seed at a time (10-11-14) Every Tuesday, Hilda, Hannah and I visit doña Rosa and her daughter Seneida to share with them a study of the Bible called, “Discovering God”. This extended family are immigrants from Nicaragua and have moved to Costa Rica to work and to search for a […]

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