what can my money do in the third world

So what does it mean to know God?

September 7, 2016

This morning before once again beginning a day full of ministry and activity, I was reading in Jeremiah where in chapter 22  the verse 16  jumped out at me  and I had to share it with you as it sums up once again what we’re all about at SOR Mission. The situation at the time […]

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What explains SOR Mission’s involvement in Central America.

August 9, 2016

The first step in understanding who we are begins with the word JUSTICE.  The team at Seeds works to plant  seeds of Justice (simply doing what’s right in God’s sight)  and Righteousness (simply doing good for those around us)  for those needing it.  The term righteousness is commonly translated justice in Spanish and thus our […]

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House #8 had it beginnings during Holy Week

April 2, 2016

“If one of you wanted to build a large building, you would sit down first and think of how much money it would take to build it. You would see if you had enough money to finish it.” Luke 14:28 Welcome to house #8 that we began during Holy Week in Honduras.  As the above […]

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