What does click for St. Nick do

What is Christmas all about

December 5, 2018

Thinking back to Christmases past, I remember it was my Uncle being Santa Claus at our home and we kids never really knowing it was he who was dropping off the  presents at the front door. It was a time of celebration, gifts and wonderful food and desserts.  I think we lost a bit of […]

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Click for Joy, Happiness and St. Nick

November 21, 2016

So many families were helped last year and with the connections we made with our families that work with us in this program, many received help and encouragement this past year as they attempted to overcome some of lives difficult situations. Here in Tegucigalpa, we don’t have the help of social services and when there […]

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Christmas begins in October for the Needy!

October 26, 2016

This is our first posting for SOR Mission’s yearly “Click for St. Nick“ campaign.  This year’s plan is to distribute 130 baskets to the needy of Honduras and Costa Rica. This year’s campaign will once again focus on Hondurans and Costa Ricans who we work with through several churches in addition to those who are […]

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December 16, 2015

We’re once again near Christmas when our thoughts are focused on trees, gifts and fitting in all the above into our already packed schedule that we have. The Bible tells us to “Be still and know that God exists” well beyond the physical with parties, holidays, family, children and all the associated stress that accompanies […]

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Happy Thanksgiving ~ Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias ~ Jour de l’action de grâce

November 24, 2015

Thanksgiving Day, or in Spanish “El Día de Acción de Gracias”, in the USA and in French Canada “Jour de l’action de grâce “is a time for many to enjoy family, friends, food and football. There are many versions of what is called a Thanksgiving Dinner due to the changing face of the North American […]

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Click for St. Nick ~ A great tradition in Helping Others

November 10, 2015

As 2015 slowly moves ahead, we now look forward to the year ending celebrations of Thanksgiving in the USA as well as Christmas for those of us living in other countries of the world.   Since mid October we’ve seen Christmas trees being placed in commercial centres around Central America. In cultures such as the […]

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