
by SOR Mission on September 18, 2010

A Book and a Cup Can Make a Great Difference! Just Read and See!!!

In December of 2009, during some time in prayer and meditation, it was impressed on me to get involved in Haiti in some way that would be a help and a blessing in this country of such great need.  You probably share my opinion that Haiti is a country of great need!

On January 12th of last year  I was made aware of the horrible earthquake that shook the country and more specifically the capital Port au Prince.  I think we were all amazed at the damage and destruction of that horrible 7.0 earthquake.

The next morning in listening to a news broadcast where the President of Haiti,  Rene Preval was talking about the destruction and what his government was trying to do, I realized that an important ingredient was missing in his talk.  There is a big shortage of trained leaders in Haiti.

Pouring in millions of dollars in food and aid has helped the Haitians with their needs but what Haiti is in desperate need of is trained individuals who can lead this country to a new brighter future.

With a place of learning for these children, a teacher to teach them and with a few books for the learning process to proceed, these children can progress and one day be the hope of Haiti. This is what God spoke to me about….helping the future of Haiti in a tangible way.

In addition to the above that moved my heart to act, I was also impressed to help this village of Morne Chaise, with its nearly 1000 inhabitants, with a safe source of clean water.  With your help we can put in a drilled well near the school that we want to build that will provide a safe supply of clean pure drinkable water for the village of Morne Chaise.  Paul J. Sullivan, a health expert in the region, writing about Haiti’s need said that between 70 to 80% of Haitians had no access to clean water.  This picture shows a similar well that has been drilled in a different part of the country.  Our well will be on the same property as the 4 room school house that SOR Mission will build through in-country contacts that we have established.

I believe that the children of Haiti deserve more than what they have been accustomed to over the years.  You and I can make a difference in these lives and at the same time feel good about what we have done knowing that our giving will do so much for these people of Morne Chaise.  Together we can make a difference in the lives of a few people!  This satisfaction of giving to help alleviate human suffering will be a source of deep peace that helping others brings!  I applaud you in advance for your help!

The students in this picture are motivated to study and learn.  They are the hope of Haiti where about 54% of the general population is illiterate.  Once the money is raised for this project, we will connect with in-country sources that will enable us to build the concrete school with Haitian labor supervised by a trained construction professional.  Once the school is built and the well drilled another national worker, Diogene Pierre will supervise the start of this school in Morne Chaise.  The village will have a source of pure water and the students will have a school where they can learn what it means to be the hope of Haiti.  Any additional information can be obtained by emailing me at sormission@gmail.com   You can either give a donation through PayPal to the left of this article or you can make out your check to our mission at the following address:  SOR Mission, 702 Kentucky Street, Suite 200, Bellingham, WA 98225. May God bless you for your effort in helping us to help others!

Joyfully in Service to  Others,

Terry ”Mateo” & Alexandra Mattson

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