February 2012

Affordable housing for the poor

February 29, 2012

Do possessions determine our house size? Might they determine our joy?   Having built homes in several different countries around the world, i.e., The United States, Portugal, Nicaragua and Costa Rica, it interests me to now see how they’re built here in Honduras.  Many things are constant on a house for sure,  such as walls, […]

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Do Miracles Still Happen Today?

February 14, 2012

Alexandra asks, “Do Miracles still happen today?” This is a question that I have asked myself many times and I believe that all of us have asked the same question from time to time. In my personal situation, miracles help me in that it strengthens my relationship with the Lord.  Didn’t the same happen to […]

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To all who love to celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day

February 13, 2012

To all who love to celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day The Story of the day.                                                                              Check out our bimonthly email at http://eepurl.com/hKsfg   From reading various sources I find that Saint Valentine of Terni, from whom we named this special day was martyred during the reign of the Roman Emperor Aurelian. Little is known of […]

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To all who love to celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day

February 12, 2012

To all who love to celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day The Story of the day. From reading various sources I find that Saint Valentine of Terni, from whom we named this special day was martyred during the reign of the Roman Emperor Aurelian. Little is known of his life except that he was appointed bishop of […]

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Nubia listens with tears in her eyes

February 7, 2012

Today while shopping for items for our new apartment, we were delayed with the “red tape” of bureaucracy existing in Honduras. While wanting to purchase several appliances for our apartment, seeing an apartment comes literally empty here, we ran head on into “red tape“. While discusinng a difference of $50 in what had been promised, […]

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