Nubia listens with tears in her eyes

by SOR Mission on February 7, 2012

Today while shopping for items for our new apartment, we were delayed with the “red tape” of bureaucracy existing in Honduras. While wanting to purchase several appliances for our apartment, seeing an apartment comes literally empty here, we ran head on into “red tape“. While discusinng a difference of $50 in what had been promised, Alexandra and I initiated a conversation with Nubia about her eternal destiny. After talking with her about the love of Jesus she began to well up with tears in her eyes as we talked about not putting off the repentance necessary to have eternal life. She was currently living in “union libre” or an open relationship and she was fearful in losing her boyfriend seeing they had a child of 7 together. Alex and I invited her to bring her boyfriend so that  the four of us could meet at that particular mall one day soon to talk about giving one’s life to Jesus. This has been happening to us several times a day as we get to know the people of Honduras.  Please pray for Nubia as we seek to reconnect with her.

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