Sunday morning in San Jose

by SOR Mission on November 17, 2013

But I have hope when I think of this:

The Lord’s love never ends; his mercies never stop.
They are new every morning; Lord, your loyalty is great.

Lamentations 3:21-23 NCV

The Good Shepard CroppedThis morning as I awoke in our newly rented small apartment in San Jose and having a few moments to reflect on this past week my heart was drawn to the Lamentations of the prophet Jeremiah who in about 586 BC affirmed what I have seen in my own  Christian life over the years.  God’s love has never failed me; not now not during major surgery a few years ago, not during our recent 1000 km trip through Central America and not today as I awoke in San Jose.

Jeremiah wrote these lamentations after the temple in Jerusalem, the center of the Jewish faith in YAWEH, was destroyed by the Babylonians.  His faith was shaken to the core.  Where was God when I needed him he might of thought and like him,  when problems appear, our faith is put to the test.  I believe that preparing ourself during the good times is a good approach to those difficult times that will appear.

In this picture of the Caldaron Guardia Hospital in San Jose where we’ve been visiting often since arriving, people are put to the test and our visits and prayers haveHospital Caldaron Guardia seen the strength of those prepared for days such as this.

Give God a chance to make your day a new song with a new hope  and direction towards Him.  Great is his mercy and great is God’s concern for you as well.



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