I need help

What can you do for Missions?

August 5, 2016

The theme “Missions” encompasses many things and has many varied facets.  Today there are a lot of people in the church who are focused on mission and what they should be doing to reach out to those who haven’t heard of about Jesus and the forgiveness, grace and loving acceptance that he offers those who […]

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A New Year brings New Beginnings

January 6, 2016

Why are we sometimes so attached to the routines that we’ve developed in our lives over the years.  Some routines  are good no doubt as I don’t really want to have to think each morning what pant leg I should insert my foot into first.  Nor do I want to ponder for a long time […]

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So Why do so many new years resolutions fail

December 30, 2014

Welcome to 2015 and for some of us we’ll be attempting  to add or change a few priorities to our already overflowing list of things we want to accomplish as well as the improvements we want to make in our lives.  I commend each one of you for wanting to improve your quality and the […]

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