tropical fruit

Justice and Grace

August 28, 2015

Our work in the Central American nations of Nicaragua, Honduras and Costa Rica has been ongoing for a number of years. In this region of the world they is an absence of justice that it makes one sad to see the poor with no voice having to endure such unjust situations in their lives. We […]

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The Peace Plan for Central America

August 26, 2015

The PEACE PLAN for Central America (revised 8-26-2015)   THE PEACE PLAN:  This plan is based on our strong belief that we are in the Central American nations of Costa Rica, Honduras and Nicaragua as missionaries to help the national churches work towards self-sufficiency in support and outreach. Many are currently doing that but there […]

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~What can we learn from 5 de Mayo? ~ Other than eating some delicious Mexican food today?

May 5, 2015

On May 5th 1862 the Mexican Army attacked an advancing French force in a town called Puebla, Mexico and even though they were greatly outnumbered and were taking on a well trained French Army of superior strength they were still able to win the battle. The year before, France, England and Spain had formed a […]

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Mango Season and Sticky Rice in Costa Rica & Honduras

May 2, 2015

I leaned the absolute joy of mangos and sticky (glutenous) rice while working in Thailand as a missionary some years ago. The mango season isn’t complete without enjoying a few desserts of “sticky rice” and coconut milk. Sticky rice is glutinous rice that once cooked becomes quite sticky and forms into a nice shape that […]

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So What is Gallo Pinto? 그래서 갈로 핀토는 무엇입니까? Então, qual é Gallo Pinto?

January 29, 2015

Gallo Pinto, or simply “Pinto,” as we call it is a traditional dish of Costa Rican and Nicaraguan kitchens. It’s considered the national dish in both countries and having lived in both, both countries insist it came from their side of the river San Juan. Though many variations exist, the dish at its most basic […]

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Mangos and the Tropics

October 27, 2014

Mango Season in the Tropics and other thoughts as “summer is in the air”.  The end of the mango season has passed in Honduras and Costa Rica and because of supply and demand the price rises this time of year for a delicious mango.  Now they are selling for about $1.25/pound but they are still […]

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