The Secret of Contentment

by SOR Mission on March 4, 2012


The Secret of Contentment  by Alexandra

Philippians 4:11-12: It has been a great joy to me that after all this time you have shown such interest in my welfare. I don’t mean that you had forgotten me, but up till now you had no opportunity of expressing your concern. Nor do I mean that I have been in actual need, for I have learned to be content, whatever the circumstances may be. I know now how to live when things are difficult and I know how to live when things are prosperous. In general and in particular I have learned the secret of facing either poverty or plenty. I am ready for anything through the strength of the one who lives within me.

When I think of contentment Ethelin comes to my mind.  She’s one of the girls from the church that I believe is barely 18 years old and who just had her first baby.  I remember that on a Monday after the Bible study she appeared very nervous and sad because the date that the doctor has given her as the expected date of her delivery had passed 10 days prior to that evening and she thought that for sure the birth of her first child would have complications.

On that Monday evening, I placed my hands on her stomach and offered a prayer so that God would give her the peace necessary and that her upcoming delivery would end well with the birth of her baby.  That night she went home and 3 days later her baby girl was born.  The following day a group of us sisters from the church went to visit her at the hospital and for me it was a great surprise to see her with a large smile attending her child like she had lots of experience.  In spite of the conditions at the hospital where the heat was unbearable due to no air conditioning and the lack of other basic comforts, she had contentment in her spirit and I thought that I had never seen a mother so beautiful and radiant.


This past Monday when I accompanied Mateo, Pastor Marcos and his wife Isabel, we passed a little house (picture in this email) and I saw a young women in the doorway with a beautiful smile and it was Ethelin!  How happy it made me to see her and to run from the car to her house to hug and greet her.  There she again showed me the contentment in her life in a house barely 10’ x 15’ and with barely enough to survive on showing me the love of God and the happiness of being in her humble house watching over her baby and waiting for her husband to come home from work. Ethelin gave me a valuable lesson and an example.  I discovered through her the great secret of contentment.

I’m sure your reading this because you really want to be further involved with helping me assist and bless more girls and women in Honduras.  You can join me at  JUSTICE where we together can make a difference in the life of those living so close to the edge.  Leave me your comments below and I will get back to you about this group  who want to make a lasting difference in the lives of others.







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