Sunday night reflections on giving Hope & planting Seeds of Righteousness in Honduran Families

by SOR Mission on October 28, 2012

Today we were invited to another birthday party atop a beautiful panoramic view of the valley in which is situated Tegucigalpa, the largest city in Honduras.  The views are beautiful as you look over the city but the needs of the people living within our city are so immense!  As one friend asked me yesterday, “how can you work there with so much need all around you and knowing you can do so little?”

My answer came from my conversation today with this close pastor friend with whom I went to the party with.  As we talked this theme over it was so apparent that yes, it’s certain that we can’t help the entire population of 1.5 million inhabitants of the capital to improve their lives, but we can help one at a time.  And what is so revolutionary is that 1+1 = 2 and 2 + 2 = 4 so that in time the exponential number increases in large jumps.  It just takes time to impact the first one or two.  From there the growth is much easier.

The people closest to me and those brothers that I spend the most time with in discipleship and training, laughing, praying and helping them to rightly divide the word of truth, these are the ones that I am impacting and will continue to do so as long as we spend time together in the work and word of God.

It’s also the children who hang around Alexandra and I who are so starved for love, acceptance and attention.  We spend lots of time with them giving them positive feedback, helping them where we can and also working with their families.  There are so many sad stories that one could possible just give up but we continue on encouraged by what is written in 1 Corinthians 15: 58:

“Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you.

Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord,

because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain”


One encouraging sign that we are moving forward is that after discussions with the pastor, we are going to establish a Benevolence Committee in the church that will attend to the physical and personal needs of the church family.  You can read how we are following the early church example that did this and thus gave us this example to follow in Acts 6:1-7.


Continue to pray for us as we labour for the Lord sowing seeds of hope and righteousness in the men, leaders, children, young mothers and adults and families that God places in our paths.  We rejoice to be able to be used of the Lord.


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Joyfully written by Mateo

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