saying good bye

Happy Father’s Day

June 17, 2018

Today, Sunday, June 17th is Father’s Day in the USA as well as Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica and Great Britain. Here in Honduras it’s celebrated on March 19th which is also Saint Joseph’s Day. This day owes its beginning to a woman named Sonora Smart Dodd (Feb 18, 1882 – March 22, 1978), who in […]

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We’re living in a crazy world. What can we do?

July 8, 2016

There has been so much going on in the entire world lately that it causes us to wonder where love has gone. We see hate all around and people not wanting anyone to be different than they. Is this Gods design? I believe that it’s not God’s plan and we at SOR Mission work daily […]

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The Art of Simplicity

July 3, 2016

For those living in Canada on Canada Day, July 1st and those in the USA on their Independence Day on July 4th I say let’s always remember the cost of freedom and what it means to each one of us.  Let’s never forget as we see violence and hate around the world trying to cover […]

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The difference a few minutes can make.

June 21, 2016

She said to me “I will never forget the day that I was admitted here and I was so very distressed because my baby had been born at just 34 weeks and was fighting for his life. I remember you came and sat next to my bed and read a scripture from the Bible that […]

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House #8 had it beginnings during Holy Week

April 2, 2016

“If one of you wanted to build a large building, you would sit down first and think of how much money it would take to build it. You would see if you had enough money to finish it.” Luke 14:28 Welcome to house #8 that we began during Holy Week in Honduras.  As the above […]

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Volunteer Opportunities Exist for each one

April 2, 2016

Volunteer Opportunities with SOR Mission (April 2, 2016) SOR Mission is open to hosting individuals or teams to come and join the missionaries at Seeds of Righteousne3ss Mission (SOR Mission) for a short term mission experience  in Central America!  A team can comprise of you wanting to come down to experience missionary life in Costa […]

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The Power of God to change a person’s life

February 19, 2016

She told me that before getting pregnant she was addicted to drugs. Before being remitted to the hospital she was in a recovery place in Alajuela receiving therapy and training. “I know that the therapy was good for me, she said, but now I know that God is the only one that can really help […]

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December 16, 2015

We’re once again near Christmas when our thoughts are focused on trees, gifts and fitting in all the above into our already packed schedule that we have. The Bible tells us to “Be still and know that God exists” well beyond the physical with parties, holidays, family, children and all the associated stress that accompanies […]

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I want to accept Jesus but…..

November 3, 2015

“Rosa” told one of SOR Mission’s workers last Tuesday when they were at  the Maternity Ward at the local hospital that she was very anxious because her baby was over due and wasn’t in the right position for delivery. After reading Philippians 4:6 to her about not being anxious Rosa asked for prayer.  She commented […]

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So what is this thing called Grace ~ Entonces, ¿qué es esta cosa llamada la gracia de Dios?

September 13, 2015

These past months in working in our ministry and  following God’s simple plan in “Seeking Justice, Loving Mercy and Walking humbly before God” I have been amazed in the amount of God’s grace being shown to me. The Bible says that when we share with others our own needs will be met and in sharing […]

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