Welcome to the homepage of Seeds of Righteousness Mission. For some of you, you might know us as SOR Mission and yet others of you might know us as SEEDS. Is is an interesting phenomena that we tend to shorten the names of those people and things around us to make it easier for us to pronounce.  At any rate, if you know us by our long name congratulation! If you prefer one of the other shorter versions to save some time, you can utilize this time praying for us tomorrow morning.
Today’s home page is to explain to you a few updates that have been made to our website since the last time you visited. Our readership has increased and more people from diverse backgrounds and countries are visiting this site. Please pray that this site will continue to be used to proclaim the joy and the peace one can have in knowing Jesus Christ personally. Its certainly been the focal point of my life since I committed it to being a disciple of Jesus.
Today you might find history and fact finding interesting on the HONDURAS page. If you believe that a picture says a thousand words then click on PICTURES. You might find our update to our PEACE plan interesting or then you might want to read about the women and children at JUSTICE or MERCY. If you’re one of those who like to be early then check out our plans for this years “Click for St. Nick” program. Lastly, if you are feeling like you would like to join us for a few days or a week then go to our OPPORTUNITIES page to read what we have available for you and a team to do in Honduras.
Do enjoy your time here and be sure to leave a comment if you wish.
Happy Reading