Sandra comments on her short term mission project to Tegucigalpa

by SOR Mission on July 30, 2012

As I sit here at the computer, four days into my visit to Tegucigalpa, I am trying to put into words all that I have seen and experienced so far.   Earlier today, while we were visiting the mothers and newborns at the hospital, several things were churning around in my mind and heart.  Because I’m curious, I like to know the ins and outs of a place and why they are the way they are, so I ask a lot of questions.   Why do the mothers only have a hospital sheet to stop their blood flow after having their baby?  Does the hospital give them water so they can stay hydrated?  Did she just say that the bottle of water that was donated last Sunday ran out on Monday and today is Friday?  And it is still empty?  Where are the pain medications?  The ibuprofen?  Did that nurse just tell me she doesn’t have enough wipes to clean anymore of the babies today?  What was that you said?  The bathroom showers ran out of soap four months ago, so the patients can only wash with water?

Of course, my American brain cannot process all the injustices I see:  I have about 15 rolls of toilet paper in my closet at home, and the maternity ward has one or two.  I took a couple of aspirin today for the “headache” I was getting, while 15 year old girls were writhing in pain (silently and bravely) after having a C-section.  I took for granted (foolishly) our safe arrival at the hospital today, only to hear that the pastor’s wife had a gun put to her head on her way to meet us, just because her window was rolled down.  There are a lot of things here that fit in with the comfy American life I am used to.  They have a fancy mall, lots of nice little restaurants, and good private schools.  I can get a better mocha here than they make at Starbucks back home.  But in spite of those comforts, there is an underlying feeling of fear.  People are afraid to go out at night because they might get attacked or shot.  They fear that maybe their child will not survive cancer because they ran out of money and the treatments are not done yet.  They fear because a mom is so young, and her boyfriend ditched her, and now she has a toddler and newborn to raise.  Oh, and she is 15, maybe 16 years old.

There is a lot of overwhelming needs here…spiritual, physical, financial and educational.  I have had the privilege of watching my missionary friends Mateo & Alexandra spend their time, energy and talents to do what they can, for the glory and honor of God, to address some of these needs.  The reality is that they simply cannot do it alone.  Just as they have chosen to sacrifice their comfort and security to come alongside the Honduran people with a message of God’s hope and love, I believe we are called to do our part to support them in this effort.  Some of us may never leave the States, to go and serve, but I believe strongly that some of us are called to STAY and serve.  To share what we have with our neighbors and in this world today, our neighbors are everywhere.  Some of you may have an abundance of resources that God is calling you to use on behalf of the poor. Others may have crucial contacts or the ability to network in order to bring about change that is so desperately needed.   Maybe you’re highly educated and you can train others so that they can pass on that gift of a good education.  What are your gifts?  What is God prompting you to do or share to lighten the load of your neighbor?  Jesus tells us to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. “and to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:34-40)…maybe it is time to reconsider how each one of us has loved our neighbor lately?   God is good and He wants to take the very best of you to help bring about the best in others, so that all of His children know that they are loved and taken care of.   Seek Him in this and you will find Him when you seek Him with all your heart.

If you’d care to help in some way you can contact me as you usually would or you can contact the mission directly at their listed email address.  If you are so moved by reading what I had to say, you can go directly to the missions donate now button to help.

Thanks for listening,


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