building on faith

Our construction begins next week on Eva’s house

May 26, 2018

Millard Fuller, founder of Habitat for Humanity, once said that they didn’t give out handouts to families challenged by life’s struggles  but rather handup’s.  Over the years that stuck with me and that too is our “action statement” of what we do here at SOR Mission.  Combining that with our mission statement which is an […]

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“God is seldom early but never late”

March 5, 2017

                                                                       “God is seldom early but never late”   I am writing you to inform you that once again I find that God wasn’t early in providing the funds for the 60 chairs for the two churches but He wasn’t late neither.  Our faith grew and our awe and respect for our might Creator God […]

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Building a brick house – one act of kindness at a time.

June 8, 2016

At SOR Mission we live our mission statement daily in helping others.  We have been called to help connect human need with God’s resources.  In this case today, God’s resource just might be that next cup of coffee and sweet that you might want to enjoy.  Doing an act of kindness,  like giving the proceeds […]

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