My Friend Kevin (Updated 7-6-2013)

by SOR Mission on June 20, 2013

Visiting Centre 1 with Team 3 008I have had the joy of getting to know my dear friend and brother in the Lord, Kevin, who has encouraged me in my Christian walk with the joyful way he comes  into the presence of the Lord with his singing and dancing before the Lord.

As I look at his life there isn’t much evident that might encourage one to live a joyful and passionate life like he does.  His life with his parents is simply difficult.  Where he lives is a bit dangerous and his house is a good walk from the main road.  He doesn’t have a steady job due to his cerebral palsy but he does have a contagious and a spontaneous joy that overflows every time we meet at church.

He attends a church where I teach , pastor and encourage the disciples to grow in Christ and also to grow their church.  We have begun a campaign that if they give a tithe (10%) for a chair SOR Mission will purchase a chair for the church.  We only had 6 vacant chairs our last service.  We are seeing our service attendance growing and growing.  Each chair that we purchase costs the mission about $18.

Each service he attends, he comes to the front door of the church with arms wide open ready to give me a big hug and smile.  During the service he is in constant joy.  His mother says that it wasn’t always this way but Jesus has made a huge difference in his life.

We met Kevin and his family last December during our Click for St. Nick” campaign during the month of December.  Our Kevin, mother and grandmother listencampaign this year hopes to purchase 80 baskets of food for some very needy families in Tegucigalpa  for Christmas.  We distribute food, some kitchen utensils and a personal visit to each home or where ever it is that they live.  Each basket costs about $35+  and you can go to our donate now spot on this site.  Scroll down to Click for St. Nick and make your donation there.

Seeds of Righteousness Mission however, through our Mercy fund,  distributes food, medicine and clothing to the very poor throughout the year.  Donations received through Mercy are used for that purpose.

Joyfully submitted,


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