Hasta luego

Once I wished upon a star. How I wonder where you are

December 11, 2017

Christmas 2017 Wish List(click here) Many of us have heard that song sung or have thought of this phrase from time to time.  You can click here to hear a 1940’s rendition of this well know melody.  Maybe as a child you  have wished upon a star for something that you wanted or needed.  Many […]

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Short term missions

March 10, 2017

As I write this short introduction to the week ahead, there is a group of dedicated Christians flying from North America to Central America to join us for a week of ministry to and with the local church.  Much has been written about short term missions both positive and negative and I have seen the […]

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So What About St. Nick?

August 20, 2016

This past December 2015  Click for St. Nick was able, thanks to your partnership,  to distribute 130 baskets of Christmas joy and hope to those needing a hand up at that time of the year. We were able to help approximately 540 people, including adults and children with a basket of food, some kitchen utensils […]

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The Art of Simplicity

July 3, 2016

For those living in Canada on Canada Day, July 1st and those in the USA on their Independence Day on July 4th I say let’s always remember the cost of freedom and what it means to each one of us.  Let’s never forget as we see violence and hate around the world trying to cover […]

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Be encouraged by Gloria’s story

December 31, 2015

Gloria’s Story can encourage us (Reviewed 1-5-16) Looking back 0n New Years Eve 2014 we had made yet another visit to a family in need locally in San Ramon. Friends of the mission, Carlos & Kirea, joined the mission team in presenting a basket of Christmas joy to doña Gloria and her family. A frequent […]

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Happy New Year for 2016

December 30, 2015

Once again we’re at the end of one year and we look forward to turning a page or starting over or simply continuing where we’re at with just a different date.  However, no matter where you’re at the end year is approaching and for some it provides an opportunity to make some new changes. Read […]

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Our PEACE PLAN for SOR Mission

December 5, 2015

The PEACE PLAN for Central America (revised 12-05-2015) THE PEACE PLAN: This plan is based on our strong belief that we are in the Central American nations of Costa Rica, Honduras and Nicaragua as missionaries to help the national churches work towards self-sufficiency in support and outreach. Many are currently doing that but there are […]

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Happy Thanksgiving ~ Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias ~ Jour de l’action de grâce

November 24, 2015

Thanksgiving Day, or in Spanish “El Día de Acción de Gracias”, in the USA and in French Canada “Jour de l’action de grâce “is a time for many to enjoy family, friends, food and football. There are many versions of what is called a Thanksgiving Dinner due to the changing face of the North American […]

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A Day in the Life

October 15, 2015

Do you have days that you feel that you’ve done nothing that may seem significant?  Missionaries too have days like that as our lives can become sometimes  quite routine and uneventful at times.  Our significance however consists of those little things that one does each day for those needing a hand up in life or […]

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Today is “kick off day” for the Click for St. Nick Program for 2015

October 9, 2015

Our goal is to reach 125 families  – 125 baskets – 1,2 or 3 at a time! This  month  we will kick off our campaign to raise money for the  Click for St. Nick Campaign in Central America.  We’ve been busy preparing for this moment as one begins to feel fall in the air and […]

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