
What are treasures in heaven?

February 5, 2020

Have you ever wondered what the Bible is talking about when it tells us to not accumulate a ton of this world’s finest goods but rather waning us to be more concerned about sending it on up ahead? It’s really not easy to deny oneself and live a life of modified self denial. Maybe you […]

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So how was 2019? Expecting a better 2020? You can with Jesus Christ

January 15, 2020

The things I did in 2019 will be my traveling companions in 2020.  In the leap I won’t connect up automatically with a few new habits that I’d like to begin this year.    Why resolutions seldom work it seems. About 80% of resolutions are never completed or made a habit during the present year […]

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It started with faith and a backhoe

June 5, 2018

Today was our first day with some serious backhoe work in starting our next house project with a family in need of affordable and adequate housing here in Honduras. We needed to use a backhoe to get the project started because of the slope of the lot being somewhat excessive.  This extra work with the […]

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Our construction begins next week on Eva’s house

May 26, 2018

Millard Fuller, founder of Habitat for Humanity, once said that they didn’t give out handouts to families challenged by life’s struggles  but rather handup’s.  Over the years that stuck with me and that too is our “action statement” of what we do here at SOR Mission.  Combining that with our mission statement which is an […]

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Letting our light shine before others so they might see Jesus in us.

September 17, 2017

SOR Mission continues to be a blessing to others needing a hand up in life.  SOR Mission statement of purpose puts it so clearly,  “Seeds of Righteousness Mission exists to help enable Love and Justice  to meet under the Banner of Service to help connect human need with God’s Resources”. Recently SOR Mission hosted our […]

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Short term missions

March 10, 2017

As I write this short introduction to the week ahead, there is a group of dedicated Christians flying from North America to Central America to join us for a week of ministry to and with the local church.  Much has been written about short term missions both positive and negative and I have seen the […]

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As Goes January so goes the Year

December 28, 2016

As we are soon to open the door to a new year, let’s think a bit about ending the old year still before us.   An open door can signify the beginning of the year ahead but let’s ponder for a moment how we did this past year and how we were able to help others-the […]

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Building a brick house – one act of kindness at a time.

June 8, 2016

At SOR Mission we live our mission statement daily in helping others.  We have been called to help connect human need with God’s resources.  In this case today, God’s resource just might be that next cup of coffee and sweet that you might want to enjoy.  Doing an act of kindness,  like giving the proceeds […]

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Is safe affordable housing a basic human right

April 22, 2016

To those of us living in the northern hemisphere with access to credit, this might come across as quite socialistic Is this not a capitalistic idea worth pursuing?  However to those who live in Central America in the poorest countries of this area, housing becomes a large concern. To us at SOR Mission, we believe […]

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House #8 had it beginnings during Holy Week

April 2, 2016

“If one of you wanted to build a large building, you would sit down first and think of how much money it would take to build it. You would see if you had enough money to finish it.” Luke 14:28 Welcome to house #8 that we began during Holy Week in Honduras.  As the above […]

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