
What are treasures in heaven?

February 5, 2020

Have you ever wondered what the Bible is talking about when it tells us to not accumulate a ton of this world’s finest goods but rather waning us to be more concerned about sending it on up ahead? It’s really not easy to deny oneself and live a life of modified self denial. Maybe you […]

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Cyber Monday: Do the Tithe thing while doing your Cyber Fling

November 25, 2018

Tomorrow, Monday, November 26, 2018 in the USA and in many other countries around the world it’s the day to fling aside all restraint to buy items that one might think that they need for themselves and others  in order to save an incredible amount of money buying online. Just a thought for those of […]

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Seeing the Needs of Others through simplicity

November 11, 2018

In the west we often time confuse our “normal” lifestyles with those of other countries where access to capital and credit is somewhat to severely limited.  In these countries they live a very difficult, but howbeit a simple life revolving around having enough capital to fulfill the needs of the family.  We see this all […]

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It’s Time for St. Nick once again

November 10, 2018

So have you as yet clicked for St. Nick?  Have you wondered where in the world did that idea come from?  Well to clarify both questions, the first one is for you do do your part on your mouse of which  you may have a similar one.  The second one is for me to clarify […]

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Our Click for St. Nick campaign is approaching

October 31, 2018

Last December  Click for St. Nick was able to distribute 125 baskets of Christmas joy and hope to those needing a hand up at this  time of the year. We were able to help over 500 people, including adults and children with a basket of food, some kitchen utensils along with a New Testament of […]

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It started with faith and a backhoe

June 5, 2018

Today was our first day with some serious backhoe work in starting our next house project with a family in need of affordable and adequate housing here in Honduras. We needed to use a backhoe to get the project started because of the slope of the lot being somewhat excessive.  This extra work with the […]

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Let your light shine before your friends

May 20, 2018

In reading the Scriptures I see where we’re called to humbly do our acts of helping others without fanfare and announcements about our acts of charity but at the same time we’re called to let our light shine to those around us like our friends and work associates so that they may see our good […]

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Letting our light shine before others so they might see Jesus in us.

September 17, 2017

SOR Mission continues to be a blessing to others needing a hand up in life.  SOR Mission statement of purpose puts it so clearly,  “Seeds of Righteousness Mission exists to help enable Love and Justice  to meet under the Banner of Service to help connect human need with God’s Resources”. Recently SOR Mission hosted our […]

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No les impidan a los niños que vengan a Mi dijo Jesús

September 14, 2017

Estas niñas me han mostrado un gran ejemplo de amor, inocencia y humildad. Esta semana pasada nos tocó ir al barrio a enseñar a los niños sobre la vida de Noé. Cuando llegamos pasamos a preguntar a la casa de estas hermosas niñas si iban a asistir. Una de ellas corrió a decirnos “Mamá nos […]

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Water is a basic necessity & many take it for granted – Updated 6-16-17

May 21, 2017

Marcela and her children, live in the hills surrounding the capital city of Tegucigalpa, Honduras.  Many of these people, like Marcela, in past years came from the rural areas of the country looking for an opportunity to improve their lives.  Many came without work and have ended up being street sellers, such as Marcela, who […]

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