
What are treasures in heaven?

February 5, 2020

Have you ever wondered what the Bible is talking about when it tells us to not accumulate a ton of this world’s finest goods but rather waning us to be more concerned about sending it on up ahead? It’s really not easy to deny oneself and live a life of modified self denial. Maybe you […]

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So how was 2019? Expecting a better 2020? You can with Jesus Christ

January 15, 2020

The things I did in 2019 will be my traveling companions in 2020.  In the leap I won’t connect up automatically with a few new habits that I’d like to begin this year.    Why resolutions seldom work it seems. About 80% of resolutions are never completed or made a habit during the present year […]

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So Why do we worry?

May 22, 2018

Jesus in his sermon on the mount tells us not to worry about this life of ours.  What we’ll eat, wear, drive or drink.  Is it possible to live such a life?  His conclusion in Matthew 6:34 is “Therefore don’t worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of […]

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Let your light shine before your friends

May 20, 2018

In reading the Scriptures I see where we’re called to humbly do our acts of helping others without fanfare and announcements about our acts of charity but at the same time we’re called to let our light shine to those around us like our friends and work associates so that they may see our good […]

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It’s Christmas in Central America

November 10, 2017

Christmas in Central America is around the corner seeing we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving like you do in the United States and Canada. It’s a favorite time of year for me because I highly value the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ who came to this world so that everyone who believes in Him can have […]

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No les impidan a los niños que vengan a Mi dijo Jesús

September 14, 2017

Estas niñas me han mostrado un gran ejemplo de amor, inocencia y humildad. Esta semana pasada nos tocó ir al barrio a enseñar a los niños sobre la vida de Noé. Cuando llegamos pasamos a preguntar a la casa de estas hermosas niñas si iban a asistir. Una de ellas corrió a decirnos “Mamá nos […]

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The Simplicity of the Gospel of Jesus

August 20, 2017

Recently I have been thinking about the simplicity of the gospel and what God had in mind for all of us when he sent Jesus Christ to be the solution to a complicated and stressful life.  In developed countries such as the USA, Canada and the United Kingdom we have, I believe,  complicated Christianity to […]

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She Pondered their Eternity Destiny

April 27, 2017

Recently on one of my visits to the pediatric ward at the hospital I brought along with me a young ministry friend of mine named May who helped me with the ministry that day at the hospital.  In Pediatrics we shared with a young boy who had been hospitalized because of a knife wound that […]

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Short term missions

March 10, 2017

As I write this short introduction to the week ahead, there is a group of dedicated Christians flying from North America to Central America to join us for a week of ministry to and with the local church.  Much has been written about short term missions both positive and negative and I have seen the […]

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As Goes January so goes the Year

December 28, 2016

As we are soon to open the door to a new year, let’s think a bit about ending the old year still before us.   An open door can signify the beginning of the year ahead but let’s ponder for a moment how we did this past year and how we were able to help others-the […]

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