christmas baskets


October 26, 2019

The Parable of the Good Samaritan – Luke 10 2On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?” He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all […]

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What is Christmas all about

December 5, 2018

Thinking back to Christmases past, I remember it was my Uncle being Santa Claus at our home and we kids never really knowing it was he who was dropping off the  presents at the front door. It was a time of celebration, gifts and wonderful food and desserts.  I think we lost a bit of […]

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November 21, 2018

Let’s Make Thanksgiving a time of giving and thankfulness Thanksgiving in the USA is a time for many to enjoy family and time together around a table filled with many versions of a Thanksgiving Dinner.  The first  feast that took place in Plymouth in August of 1621 was attended by  about  53 pilgrims and 90 […]

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Seeing the Needs of Others through simplicity

November 11, 2018

In the west we often time confuse our “normal” lifestyles with those of other countries where access to capital and credit is somewhat to severely limited.  In these countries they live a very difficult, but howbeit a simple life revolving around having enough capital to fulfill the needs of the family.  We see this all […]

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It’s Time for St. Nick once again

November 10, 2018

So have you as yet clicked for St. Nick?  Have you wondered where in the world did that idea come from?  Well to clarify both questions, the first one is for you do do your part on your mouse of which  you may have a similar one.  The second one is for me to clarify […]

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Our Click for St. Nick campaign is approaching

October 31, 2018

Last December  Click for St. Nick was able to distribute 125 baskets of Christmas joy and hope to those needing a hand up at this  time of the year. We were able to help over 500 people, including adults and children with a basket of food, some kitchen utensils along with a New Testament of […]

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Once I wished upon a star. How I wonder where you are

December 11, 2017

Christmas 2017 Wish List(click here) Many of us have heard that song sung or have thought of this phrase from time to time.  You can click here to hear a 1940’s rendition of this well know melody.  Maybe as a child you  have wished upon a star for something that you wanted or needed.  Many […]

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Happy Poinsettia Greetings from the Tropics

December 7, 2017

We send beautiful Poinsettia Greetings from Central America where this  native plant flourished long before Christianity and Europeans came to the Western Hemisphere. One Indigenous group, the Aztecs, found it blooming in the tropical highlands of southern Mexico during the very short days of winter and named it “Cuetlaxochitl.” The indigenous peoples of the Isthmus […]

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It’s Christmas in Central America

November 10, 2017

Christmas in Central America is around the corner seeing we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving like you do in the United States and Canada. It’s a favorite time of year for me because I highly value the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ who came to this world so that everyone who believes in Him can have […]

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Letting our light shine before others so they might see Jesus in us.

September 17, 2017

SOR Mission continues to be a blessing to others needing a hand up in life.  SOR Mission statement of purpose puts it so clearly,  “Seeds of Righteousness Mission exists to help enable Love and Justice  to meet under the Banner of Service to help connect human need with God’s Resources”. Recently SOR Mission hosted our […]

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